Donnerstag, 28. August 2014

Wishlist #2

Hey guys!

Today I want to share with you what I want to buy or want to have!
I absolutely love these shoes! They look so edgy and grungy. I need to get them for autumn!

I really want to get some cut out boots for autumn. These look really cool and you can dress them up or down.
I need a matte nail polish. I've seen a lot of pictures of matte nails on tumblr and fell in love with them!
I really want silver hair. I think it looks really cool! But people say it's hard to get silver hair... But we'll see ;)
Thanks for reading my post1 Feel free to follow me and comment down below what on your wishlist is!

4 Kommentare:

  1. Wann startet denn dein Projekt mit den silbernen Haaren? :) Wirst du deine Fortschritte auf deinem Blog festhalten?

    1. Hiya! Ich weiß noch nicht genau, wann ich das angehe! :)
      Da die Farbe nur gut aussieht, wenn man gebleichte haare hat, werde ich mir das gut überlegen, da ich meine Haare nicht allzu strapazieren will :/

  2. I'd love to have silver hair, but it won't suit my skin tone. :( xx

    1. awww... I really want this hair colour, but my mum won't let me... :( xx
