Hey guys!
Today I have a school supplies haul for you!
I bought five ballpoint pens at ALDI. |
These are available in yellow, green, purple, pink and blue and they come together in a pack. |
And then I bought these exercise books. They are also from ALDI. I've had a bad experiences with folders, I am not a person who sorts loose sheets of paper into the folders. So I want to try to write in exercise books again. |
Everyone needs a calendar! Mine is also from ALDI. I like the design and never actually buy a "cool" calendar, because I prefer to invest the money in other things. |
This is a folder that has the Tower Bridge and the flag on the cover. It is also of ALDI. |
Of course you also need a notebook where you can write in your homework. Mine is from Häfft. It is in English, what I find very cool. |
These were all my new school supplies!
Thanks for reading my post! Feel free to comment and follow if you want to see more posts from me!
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AntwortenLöschenSchöner Blog :) ♥ Die Stifte sehen sehr schön aus :)
AntwortenLöschenLiebe Grüße, Sophie
Danke Sophie :)
LöschenIch folge jetzt deinem Blog ♥
echt hilfreicher Post, aber ich will gar nicht mehr an die Schule denken:((
AntwortenLöschenMach weiter so und Liebe Grüße
danke Franzi :)